[OPE-L:3256] Re: Marxian Emprical Research

Iwao Kitamura (ikita@st.rim.or.jp)
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 11:00:51 -0700 (PDT)

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Andrew TF
>I take the point that there are different ways of looking at the
>labour reduction problem. It could be the costs of training that drives
>things (the Hilferding approach) but this is not very practical for
>empirical work. The approach which takes wages as the indicator of
>labour quality is tractable, since wages are observed in various types of
>data. Both approaches can be defended on textual and theoretical grounds
>but one of them is more suitable for empirical research. Correct me
>if there are studies which have modelled the Hilferding approach

I have not seen any empirical research that examines whether costs of training
is added amount of skilled workers' wage rate. If we do such a research seriously,
at least certain samples of (lifetime) training costs of skilled workers are required.
But for a instant examination, we can look at the relation between educational costs
and the wage rates of new applicants of different educational backgrounds.
But I'm afraid such examination would not be a proof.

The problem I pointed is rather purely theoretical. Is training a production of
use value that adds value creating power to simple labor-power or just adds
(transfers) its value to labor-power?

In solidarity,
