Installing Adobe-compatible plugins in Paint Shop Pro

Paint Shop Pro is my favorite graphics program, but Adobe PhotoDeluxe and Adobe Photoshop have a plugin that I find much easier to use for color correcting scanned images: Variations.

Fortunately, owners of both Paint Shop Pro and one of the Adobe products can include Variations and other Adobe functions right in Paint Shop Pro. Here is how to install the plugins.

First, copy the file "plugin.dll" from the Adobe directory where it is found to the /Windows/System directory.

Next, you need to tell Paint Shop Pro where to look for the additional plugins. Select File, Preferences, General Program Preference...

You will see the General Program Preferences window pop up. Next, click on the Plug-in Filters tab, choose the check boxes shown below, and add the directory where the Adobe program stores its plugins.

That's it! You will now see a new set of options in Paint Shop Pro under Image, Plugin Filters. Variations will be under the Adjust group.

For a discussion of how to use Variations, see my Variations page.

For other Paint Shop Pro questions, see the Paint Shop Pro FAQ.

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