Research Opportunity Openings![]() Undergraduate StudentsUndergraduate research is a great opportunity to explore cutting-edge projects and gain experience that will help you obtain a job or admission to graduate/medical school. Wake Forest University offers the opportunity for undergraduate students to work with faculty. There are two options for getting involved in our research group: 1) Research (e.g., PHY 381, CSC 393, CSC 193, CHM 391, or BIO 391 ZD) for credit or 2) paid summer projects in the form of summer research fellowships [link]. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors from the Departments of Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, and Biology will be considered. A minimum commitment of 1 year is required (not necessarily continuous). Interested students should send an e-mail to Prof. Cho. Graduate StudentsAll interested graduate students must be first accepted by the graduate programs of the Wake Forest University Physics or Computer Science Departments [link] (application deadline - January 15th for the Fall semester). When becoming part of the interdisciplinary Computational Biophysics team, the students will work in an area of research using state-or-the-art GPU-optimized MD simulations to study protein and RNA folding and assembly mechanisms. Your project is determined by your personal interests and qualifications. Your project does not have to be interdisciplinary, and there is a great deal of flexibility. To get an idea of the types of problems we tackle, please visit the Research page of the group. Postdoctoral ScholarsThere are no funded post-doctoral vacancies at the moment. Please check again later. If you are able to provide your own funding or would like to apply for your own funding, please contact Prof. Cho. You can also send a CV, including your research interests and experience to Prof. Cho, for future consideration. Visiting ScholarsVisiting academics interested in learning about MD simulations or GPUs and developing potential long term collaborations are always welcome. Please contact Prof. Cho if you are interested. |