Re: (OPE-L) Luxemburg's Intro to P.E. in English [A.D. Magaline]

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 11:00:14 EST

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Riccardo Bellofiore wrote:

> At 9:08 -0500 18-11-2004, Paul Zarembka wrote:
> >Luxemburg did not pay much attention to the tendency of the rate of profit
> >and that is a strength of hers.
> >
> >The tendency of profits, if any, is an extremely complicated problem.  I
> >always found A.D. Magaline (an anonymous collective) Lutte de classes et
> >devalorisation du capital: Contribution a la critique de revisionnisme,
> >Maspero 1975 a great starting point, but no body pays any attention ...

> I never knew of this book, and I have almost all the book in French
> on Marx! Well I have to look for it on the web ...

Contents (accent markings not easily available to me and thus missing):

PREMIERE PARTIE: Lutte de classes et developpement des forces productives:
La problematique du "Capital"


1. La conception revisionniste du role et de la nature du development des
forces productives

2. Le statut du concept de forces productives dans la problematiques de
Marx.  De la "Preface" de 1859 au "Capital".

3. Reproduction, lutte de classes et development des forces productives
dans le mode de productive capitalists: la devalorisation de la force de

4. Lutte de classes dans la production et devalorisation du capital:
critiques des theories de la "suraccumulation de capital"

5. La resistance du capital a la devalorisation

DEUXIEME PARTIE: Production et progress technique dans la theorie
economique bourgeoise


1. Le progres technique, "deus ex machina" de l'ideologie economique

2. Tentatives d'analyse des determinants du progres technique dans une
economie capitaliste


In my judgment, one could spend a lifetime on the production of relative
surplus value, the evaluation/devaluation of constant capital, and the
implications for a overall rate of profit, even apart from unproductive
labor (which is not to say that the latter is not an important
consideration).  I repeat my belief that Magaline is a great starting

Paul Z.

Vol.21-Neoliberalism in Crisis, Accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's Legacy
RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY, Zarembka/Soederberg, eds, Elsevier Science

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