Re: [OPE-L] a new year's resolution

From: Dogan Goecmen (Dogangoecmen@AOL.COM)
Date: Thu Jan 04 2007 - 05:09:03 EST

To avoid abstractness and misunderstanding I should have said something  
more, namely that I proud of any member of the list, who publishes papers or  
books by profiting from our discussions.
In einer eMail vom 04.01.2007 10:32:22 Westeurop�ische Normalzeit schreibt  

_mlebowit@SFU.CA_ (mailto:mlebowit@SFU.CA) :

I have appreciated many of  the exchanges on the list and have
learned from them (but hope that I  will not be accused of plagiarism
in the future as others have  been).

Michael, a good new year's resolution. Do not worry about plagiarism. I  do 
not know what happened in the past. But I assure you (following your maxim  
about combating another sort of liberalism)  I will be one of the first  attack 
back those who dare even think loudly to accuse people of plagiarism on  this 
list. We have here a collective aim and in the process of pursuing this  goal 
we all contribute to one anothor's intellectual development. I just want  to 
remind us of what Hegel says in his critique of Descartes and his  followers: 
before we can say mine and thine we have to say ours. I add: we can  say mine 
and thine just because it is ours. In short, knowledge economy is a  myth and 
intellectual property is another sort of fetishism we have to  combat.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics  Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A  1S6

Currently based in Venezuela.
Can be  reached at
Residencias Anauco Suites
Departamento 601
Parque  Central, Zona Postal 1010, Oficina 1
Caracas, Venezuela
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