[OPE-L:5409] Re: Jerry Levy Update

John R. Ernst (ernst@pipeline.com)
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 16:39:45 -0700 (PDT)

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I finally managed to talk to Jerry late this afternoon. He is
still in the hospital, but expects to be released tommorrow.
As a result of the tests today, no major surgery is planned.

Should you want to write him, let me suggest you use the address
below and I'll see that the stuff gets to him.

Jerry Levy
c/o J. Ernst
Public Concern Foundation
668 Greenwich Street, #607
New York, NY 10014

I will print out and give to him the various posts wishing him well.


PS He thanks one and all for the concern and, especially, Alejandro
for his one and only vistor in the ICU.