Course Topics
Week 1: (8/26) Knot Theory
Slides from class (pdf, 1.2MB)Further reading:
- The Knot Book, Colin Adams -- understandable to high school students
- The Shape of Space, Jeff Weeks -- on topology's insights into the shape of the universe
Week 2: (9/02) Congruences
Week 3: (9/09) Primes & Internet Security
Slides from class
Another reference: The Primes Pages.
Week 4: (9/16) Platonic Solids
Slides from class
Worksheet from class
Week 5: (9/23) Graph Theory
Week 6: (9/30) Benford's Law
Week 7: (10/7) Hyperbolic Geometry
Week 8: (10/14) Conway's Soldiers
Week 9: (10/21) Permutations, Parity, Puzzles
Week 10: (10/28) Mathematics of Voting
Week 11: (11/04) Levels of Infinity
Week 12: (11/11) Chaos and Fractals
Recommended books to read:
- Chaos, by James Gleick
- The Eudaemonic Pie, by Thomas Bass