This has been a particularly s-l-o-w summer for OPE-L. Now would be a good time, imo, to make suggestions about possible topics for discussion in the (fast approaching!) Fall. Are there any important topics that we have _not_ discussed yet? Important items in the news that merit a discussion? (e.g. the seeming inability of the Fed to influence real economic activity with interest rate cuts?) Recent papers that you have written or thoughts for papers that you would like others to comment on? Would you like to revisit any ongoing controversies? Should we consider -- as a list -- any solidarity activities? My opinion on the URPE controversy with Andrew K is probably not sought by anyone, but -- for what it's worth -- here are my very brief thoughts: I think we can all agree that law suits between different groups and individuals on the Left should be avoided whenever possible. Having said that, it is my opinion that whoever it was at URPE who selected the referees for Andrew's article exercised very poor judgment as there was a public history between the author and a referee that would suggest that the referee would give a negatiuve review. Under these circumstances, URPE should have had Kliman's article re-read by another individual who had no negative past dealings with Kliman. I suspect that the above will satisfy no one, but that's my opinion. Also -- for the record -- I deeply regret Andrew's decision to leave OPE-L in the Spring. Despite theoretical and other differences in perspective, I highly value and respect his opinion on the topics we have discussed on-list. I also respect and value the opinion of all other current and former subscribers. Still out sailing. In solidarity, Jerry Mattituck, NY
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