Re: OPE-L RE: Donald Sassoon interviews Marx

From: Phil Dunn (pscumnud@DIRCON.CO.UK)
Date: Thu Oct 30 2003 - 15:38:40 EST

>Rakesh asked:
>>  Has anyone read Tschernyschewsky's critique of John Stuart Mill?
>No, I can't say that I have.  I don't even know if it has been
>translated into English.  You and others might be interested in
>knowing that the author of that book is better known as N.G.
>CHERNYSCHEVSKY, the populist writer and philosopher who was
>mentioned repeatedly in Lenin's writings.  (Source: "Preface"
>to _Theories of Surplus Value_ by the Institute of Marxism-
>Leninism, C.C.,C.P.S.U.)
>In solidarity, Jerry
>PS:  Phil's message, which I received today, was dated *SEPTEMBER 5,
>1956*!!!  How can that be explained from a temporalist perspective?

Dear Jerry

The machine stops.  I am using a very old Mac. The hard disk has
suffered a head crash and the battery is flat, so it reverts to 1956.
It worse is than even that.  I lost the whole computer for a couple
months. Now it has miraculously come back for no apparent reason. I
have manually corrected the date.  You cannot step into the same
river twice.


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