Re: (OPE-L) Rakesh's suggestion

From: Michael Williams (michaelj.williams@TISCALI.CO.UK)
Date: Sun May 16 2004 - 17:57:41 EDT

Who does this important admin job is not a major political issue. As is
often the case it is difficult to find administrative competence adequate to
the task. OPE-L has found it in Jerry.

In case the more fractious members do perceive political or theoretical
discrimination, we have an advisory committee.

TSSers left of their own accord in the course of a lot of unpleasantness
about presentation and tone dressed up as amjor political issues. Despite
the fact that there are various people (not confined to TSSers) who to my
ear have a distinctly unpleasant tone, I would like to see all those who
have left coming back. This is just because we otherwise miss out on all the
theoretical issues that Rakesh raised, and others.

I see no reason for mixing up a review of past useful debates and
opportunities foregone with bureaucratic clap-trap about rotating
administration. (Just to show that my tone can sometimes slip!)

Michael Williams
Harrow Business School (E3.09)
Watford Road
tel: 020 7911 5000 #4563
fax: 020 7911 5931
Home tel: 023 80768641
Home Fax: 0871 242 5819 
mobile: 07906 172655

> -----Original Message-----
> From: OPE-L [mailto:OPE-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Gerald A. Levy
> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:24 PM
> Subject: (OPE-L) Rakesh's suggestion
> >  I am sure that most of those OPE-L'ers who are thankful or
> moderately
> > thankful for your administration would agree that nine
> years from any
> > one person is enough, that administration should be
> rotated, and that
> > the advisory committee should appoint someone new.
> Rakesh:
> You are sure, are you?
> Why don't we let list members *speak for themselves* without
> replies from *either one of us*?  That is, I think you would 
> have to agree that list members will be more forthcoming in 
> stating their perspectives if they know that _both_ of us 
> will read what they write without our responding immediately 
> to what they wrote.  I propose that we _both_ are silent on 
> this question for *one week* while we _listen_ to what others think.
> *** Rakesh has suggested that the Advisory Committee appoint
> a new coordinator.  Who agrees with that suggestion?  Why or 
> why not? ***
> In solidarity, Jerry

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