Re: [OPE-L] 2005 EEA Preliminary Program

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Tue Dec 28 2004 - 19:00:55 EST

An inadvertent omission:  David L will also be there.  He is 
chairing, presenting a paper ("Broadening the Theory of Aggregate
Supply:  A 'New Critical' Proposal") and a discussant in 
"New Approaches to Macroeconomics" [118]. I can't say as I
know what the 'new critical' proposal is....  Ingrid Rima's paper
in that session, "Explaining the Decline of the Great American 
Job Machine", is noteworthy as well.

Did I miss anyone else on the list?  If so, please call our  attention 
to it.

In solidarity, Jerry

The preliminary program for the 2005 meetings of the Eastern 
Economics Association to be held during March in New York City:
A number of listmembers are participating: Gary in a session on 
"Classical Analysis of Capital Theory and Trade" and Steve C and
Antonio in a session on "Interrogating the 'New Pluralism' in 
Economics: Views from Left Field" (chaired by Susan Feiner).
Former members Duncan Foley and Philippe van Parijs are
presenting papers (Philippe has the honor of being one of the 
closing speakers).

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