Re: [OPE-L] standard commodity

From: Paul Cockshott (wpc@DCS.GLA.AC.UK)
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 11:33:45 EST

What else would the real wage be but a vector of commodities?

The real wage in conjunction with the physical production conditions
are enough to determine the money wage and rate of profit.

I give a link in the paper to the web page that contains the algorithms
that do the actual calculations.

-----Original Message-----
From: OPE-L [mailto:OPE-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU] On Behalf Of Ian Wright
Sent: 08 March 2005 18:09
Subject: Re: [OPE-L] standard commodity

Paul and Ajit

I have an initial question for clarification. I thought that the basic
Sraffian price equation (this from memory, so may be wrong):

Ap(1+r) + aw = p

(A = matrix of io coefficients, p = price vector r = scalar profit, a
= labour vector, w  = scalar wage)

expresses wages in terms of a price scalar, so that the net product is
split according to nominal (price) terms, not physical terms. In your
paper, you have the real wage as a vector of commodities. What am I


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