From: Hanno Pahl (hanno.pahl@UNI-BIELEFELD.DE)
Date: Wed May 11 2005 - 10:12:13 EDT
For those who are able to read German: I want to inform You about a book recently published in Bielefeld/Germany: The author is Lars Meyer, a scholar of Helmut Reichelt. The book is titled Absoluter Wert und allgemeiner Wille. Zur Selbstbegruendung dialektischer Gesellschaftstheorie. look at: Meyer carefully reconstructs the Marxian foundations in Adornos conception of modern society as well as he points out Adornos still highly topical criticism of sociology. Starting with Adornos critique of Weber and Dukheim, Meyer carries on this perspective towards the recent approaches of Habermas and Luhmann. The final section of the book is devoted to the question of a critique of legal categories. By referring to newer publications in the context of the German Neue-Marx-Lektuere Meyer is pushing Paschukanis one big step further. Best wishes, Hanno Pahl
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