Re: [OPE-L] statement by Fred: Enough already!

From: Alejandro Valle Baeza (valle@SERVIDOR.UNAM.MX)
Date: Sun Nov 18 2007 - 19:58:20 EST

Fred Moseley wrote:

> One final comment:  I feel strongly that Rakesh was unfairly suspended
> in the recent episode, in which he was the victim, not the instigator,
> and yet he was the only one punished.  Therefore, I am resigning from
> OPE-L in protest,
> until Rakesh is reinstated.  So, Jerry, please unsub me, and tell us all
> how long Rakesh will be suspended for.
> Comradely,
> Fred

I have the same opinion as Fred about Rakesh last suspension.  However,
I remain subscripted to ope-l.


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