Re: [OPE-L] accumulation of capital and the working class - actual non existence of variable capital

From: Ian Hunt (ian.hunt@FLINDERS.EDU.AU)
Date: Sun Jan 13 2008 - 17:16:52 EST

Dear Jerry,
I thought I fixed this typo: 's = v = 80' should read 'c+v=80'. I
agree there are no obvious answers but it does raise a question to
think about,

>  > Let s = 10, s = v = 80, and u = 2. Then s-u/(c+v) =10%,
>>  s-u/(s+v+u) = 9.75% , while s/(c+v+u) = 12.2%.
>Hi Ian
>You're right - I plugged in different numbers (and a positive
># for c) and there are different results using the different
>formulas.  Thanks.  But, it doesn't in any way resolve the issue the
>issue of which is the desired formula - as you recognize.
>In solidarity, Jerry

Associate Professor Ian Hunt,
Dept  of Philosophy, School of Humanities,
Director, Centre for Applied Philosophy,
Flinders University of SA,
Humanities Building,
Bedford Park, SA, 5042,
Ph: (08) 8201 2054 Fax: (08) 8201 2784

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