Instructor: John Gemmer
Office: Manchester #388
E-mail: gemmerj@wfu.edu Office Hours: T 9-10, W 1-3, Th 9-10, 12:30-1:30
Lecture: MWF: 9:00-9:50, Kirby Hall, Room 103
Textbooks: See syllabus.
Course Handouts:
1. Syllabus: (.pdf)
2. Homework Policy: (.pdf)
3. Example Homework Solutions: (.pdf )
4. The Solution to the Netflix Problem Using the SVD (.pdf)
Quiz Solutions:
1. Quiz #1 (.pdf)
2. Quiz #2 (.pdf)
3. Quiz #3 (.pdf)
4. Quiz #4 (.pdf)
5. Quiz #5 (.pdf)
6. Quiz #6 (.pdf)
7. Quiz #7 (.pdf)
8. Quiz #8 (.pdf)
9. Quiz #9 (.pdf)
1. Insect on Triangle (link)
2. ACC Football Ranking (link)
Exam Solutions:
1. Exam #1 (.pdf)
2. Exam #2 (.pdf)
Lecture Notes:
1. Lecture #1: (Solving Linear Systems) (.pdf)
2. Lecture #2: (Vector Spaces and Subspaces) (.pdf)
3. Lecture #3: (Linear Independence and Span) (.pdf)
4. Lecture #4: (Linear Transformations) (.pdf)
5. Lecture #5: (Nullity, Rank, and Isomorphisms) (.pdf)
6. Lecture #6: (Coordinates and Change of Basis) (.pdf)
7. Lecture #7: (Diagonlization) (.pdf)
8. Lecture #8: (Conditions for Diagonlization) (.pdf)
9. Lecture #9: (Complex Inner Products and Gram–Schmidt) (.pdf)
10. Lecture #10: (Unitary Matrices and the SVD) (.pdf)
11. Lecture #11: (Hermitian Matrices and the SVD) (.pdf)
12. Lecture #12: (Calculating a Generic SVD) (.pdf)
13. Lecture #13: (Square Roots and Exponentials) (.pdf)
14. Lecture #14: (Least Squares Solutions) (.pdf)
15. Lecture #15: (Quadratic Forms) (.pdf)
16. Lecture #16: (Gershgorin Circle Theorem) (.pdf)
17. Lecture #17: (Markov Chains) (.pdf)
18. Lecture #18: (Ranking Things) (.pdf)
Homework Assignments:
1. Homework #1 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
2. Homework #2 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
3. Homework #3 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
4. Homework #4 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
5. Homework #5 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
6. Homework #6 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
7. Homework #7 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
8. Homework #8 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
9. Homework #9 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
10. Homework #10 (.pdf), Solutions (.pdf).
11. Homework #11 (.pdf).