Current Courses: |
Past Courses
- Math 111 (Trigonometry) Fall 06
- Math 112 (College Algebra) Fall 07
- Math 120R (Precalculus) Spring 08
- Math 120R (Precalculus) Summer 08
- Math 124 (Calculus) Fall 08
- APMA 2811Q (Calculus of Variations) Fall 13
- APMA 1360 (Dynamical Systems and Chaos) Spring 14
- APMA 1930M (Asymptotic Analysis) Fall 14
- APMA 1360 (Dynamical Systems and Chaos) Spring 15
- APMA 0200 (Mathematical Modeling) Fall 15
- APMA 0360 (Partial Differential Equations) Spring 16
Wake Forest:
- MST 111-E (Calculus 1) Fall 16
- MST 111-F (Calculus 1) Fall 16
- MST 112-D (Calculus 2) Spring 17
- MST 383/683 (Applied Nonlinear Dynamics) Spring 17
- MST 113-C (Multivariable Calculus) Fall 17
- MST 326/626 (Numerical Linear Algebra) Fall 17
- MST 113-A (Multivariable Calculus) Spring 18
- MST 711 (Real Analysis) Spring 18
- MST 205/605 (Applied Multivariable Mathematics) Fall 18
- MST 351/651 (Introduction to Mathematical Modeling) Fall 18
- MST 306 (Advanced Mathematics for the Physical Sciences) Spring 19
- MST 352/656 (Partial Differential Equations) Spring 19
- MST 383/683 (Introduction to Modern Mathematical Epidemiology) Fall 2021
- MST 205/605 (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) Fall 2021
- MST 750: Dynamical Systems Spring 2022
- MST 205/605 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Spring 2022
- MST 750: Dynamical Systems Spring 2022
- MST 205/605 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Spring 2022
- MTH 351/651: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling Fall 2023
- MTH 317/617: Complex Analysis I Fall 2023
- MTH 381: Measure, Integration, and Analysis Fall 2023
- MTH 357/657: Probability Spring 2023
- FYS: Race, Gender, and Identity in the 21st Century Scientific Community Spring 2023
- MTH 383/683: First Course in Stochastics Calculus Fall 2023
- MTH 317/617: Complex Analysis I Fall 2023