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Non-Prison Term Right to Counsel

Nathan Adams

Issue: Which states provide by statute or court ruling, counsel for crimes that are not actually punished with a prison term? (Ch. 11; Sub. A)

Most states have a requirement less than actual imprisonment justifying a grant of counsel to indigent defendants. The dissent in Sinagoga 918 P. 2d. 228(1996). quotes Justice Brennan's dissent in Scott saying, "most states would require that counsel be made available where the defendant is subject to potential imprisonment. Twenty-two states agree with our jurisdiction that a defendant is entitled to counsel if imprisonment is authorized. Eight other states' laws would provide counsel if imprisonment is authorized or, at the least, the offense is not "trivial." Additionally, eight other states would provide counsel if the defendant is accused of a crime which is punishable with imprisonment between thirty days and six months." I found somewhat similar numbers, though not all jurisdictions lent themselves to the three categories described by Brennan.

Thirty states grant counsel if incarceration is a possible punishment. WA (Wash. Cr.R. 3.1(1997)), VA (Va. Code. Ann. (19.2-157 (1996)), TX (Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 1.051(1997)), RI (RI Dist. R. Crim. P. 44(1996)), OR (O.R.S. 135.050(1995)), IA (Iowa Rules of Crim. Proc. 26.1(1997)), GA (183 G.A. App. 421), FL (Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.111(1997)), AR (A.R. Cr. P. Rule 8.2(1996)), AZ (Ariz. St. R.C.R.P. R. 6.1(1997)), OK (22 Okl. St. s.1355.6(1996)), WI (Wis. Stat. (977.08(1995-1996)), WY(W.R.Cr.P. Rule 44(1996)), ND (N.D.R. Crim. P. Rule 44(1996)), NE (R.R.S. Neb. (29-3902(1996)), MT (Mont. Code. Ann. (46-8-10(1995)), MS (Miss. Code. Ann. 99-15-15(1996)), MN (Minn. R. Crim. Proc. 5.02(1996)), MA (A.L.M. Crim. P. 8(a)(1996)), CT (Conn. Gen. Stat. s.51-296(1996)), CO (C.R.S. 21-1-103(1996)), AK (490 P. 2d. 910), ID (ID. St. s.19-851(1996)), HI (918 P. 2d 228), IL (418 N.E. 2d. 1124), IN (5059 N.E. 2d 1117), ME (478 A. 2d. 671), MD (464 A. 2d. 228), NH (681 A. 2d 86)

Two states grant counsel if incarceration is a likely punishment. NC (N.C. Gen. Stat. (7A-451(1996)), PA (507 A. 2d 57).

Three states grant counsel if there is a substantial probability of incarceration as punishment. UT (Utah Code Ann. (77-32-1(1996)), MO (S. Ct. Rule 31.02 R.S. MO.(1996), LA (538 So. 2d 679).

Three states grant counsel to the accused in "serious offenses." OH (OH Crim. R. 44(1996)), NM (N.M. Stat. Ann. 31-13-3(1996)), VT (1996 WL 216611).

Kansas grants counsel only for felonies. (K.S.A. (24-4503(1996)).

Four states grant counsel to indigents in any criminal case. SD (S.D. Codified Laws (23A-40-6(1997)), NJ (575 A. 2d 1340), CA (170 Cal. Rptr. 312), TN (Tenn. Code. Ann. (40-14-102(1996)).

Nevada grants counsel for gross misdemeanors, which include crime with possible incarceration greater than six months. (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. (178.397(1996)).

Four states grant counsel only in cases where the defendant is actually imprisoned. KY (1996 WL 324448), MI (548 N.W. 2d. 924), SC (465 S.E. 2d 370), AL (688 So. 2d 278).


© 2007 Marc L. Miller & Ronald F. Wright