Susan Borwick

Courses for Spring 2012

Research and creative interests

National professional affiliations and activities

Personal background

Campus activities

Special people at Wake Forest

Susan Borwick's home page

Off-Campus Interests

My church, Knollwood Baptist, means a great deal to me.  It helps my life "take wing and fly."

There, I am composer-in-residence and also teach the Mary-Martha Sunday School Class, a group of wise older women.

I'm a member of the Devotional Life Committee.

This spring, several of us are leading the Knollwood Women's Retreat, at Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC. The theme is "Healing Streams . . . God's Waters of Renewal." I've composed a new work for it, "As Jesus Walked into the Stream."

In addition to the church, during the fall of 2002 I kept busy by teaching a 6-week course on the Arts at the Shepherd's Center and a session of an ad hoc Creative Writing course. What wonderful people take courses such as these!

I am affiliated with a group of women who meet weekly for what we euphemistically term "Bible study." It's really a time for sharing, supporting, eating, laughing, and growing. We always have our Christmas party in January--no time in December! You know the sort of group I'm describing, to be sure. Around 8-10 of us are in the group, some since 1985. I joined around 1989. Events and members of this group have "inspired" some of my silliest musical creations. We meet next door to Ann and Bob Listokin's.