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Greetings Everyone!

by William Eavenson



Thank you so much for your continued support and interest in Chi Rho. We apologize for not having written an update in awhile, but now we’re thick into another year and ready to let you know all of the exciting things that have been going on with our group over the past few months!

Tour 2005 to Atlanta, Georgia and Tampa, Florida was a great success. Some highlights included singing at several local churches for both morning and evening services, singing at the Capital building and Underground in Atlanta, and singing the National Anthem for a Tampa Bay Devil Rays game. The trip afforded a little bit of celebration for the incredible year that God had blessed us with as well as ample opportunity to reflect on where we have gone and look forward to and pray about where we are going. We continue to recognize that Jesus is the sole reason we even have an a cappella group and are continuing to refine our motives as a group to simply spread His truth and His fame. If we are doing anything more or less than that then we are wasting our time.

This fall has gotten off to a very quick start. We’ve welcomed two new members and are awaiting the return of all three of our juniors from their semesters abroad in Spain. We are beginning to test out some new arrangements and are cranking out several more in anticipation of recording our new CD this January in Nashville, Tennessee. With many dates and concerts planned over the next few months, God is taking our group in a bold new direction and we would appreciate your continued support in prayer as we attempt of discern and follow His will for us.

As a group we continue to wrestle with what it means to be marked by Jesus in a world that often times looks nothing like Him. How are we to live in a way that shines the light of Christ when everything around us is crowded out by darkness? This may make life sound hopeless, but the comforting reassurance that Christ has given us is that we are certainly not meant to do it on our own. Through a mystery so crazy that it can only be explained through God, Christ has come to dwell inside of each of us as believers through the Holy Spirit, essentially giving us a power source for life from which to draw our strength and our hope. Paul delves into this mystery of God in Colossians 1:27 where he says to the church in Colosse, “For it has pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you and this is your assurance that you will share in his glory.”

Wow. Isn’t it comforting to know that our God is a God who desires for us to share in His glory which is beyond all reckoning. He desires to be the strength within us that we rely on to get us through the trials and trepidations of our lives when we don’t know what to do next. He does. And He is more than strong enough to be our Savior, our deliverer, our protector, our hope, and our great God!

He’s the one we sing about and He’s the one who’s written an identity on each of our hearts and each of your hearts as well. We are His and He wants us to live like we believe that.

So thank you so much again for your prayers and support and we look forward to seeing you throughout the semester at all of your churches and your events, and most importantly we look forward to celebrating our great God together!

In Christ,

Chi Rho





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Chi Rho - Wake Forest Men's Christian A Cappella Ensemble