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The modular curve X226

Curve name X226
Index 48
Level 16
Genus 0
Does the subgroup contain I? Yes
Generating matrices [3603],[9941],[15001],[3003]
Images in lower levels
LevelIndex of imageCorresponding curve
2 3 X6
4 6 X13
8 24 X79
Meaning/Special name
Chosen covering X79
Curves that X226 minimally covers X79
Curves that minimally cover X226 X226a, X226b, X226c, X226d, X226e, X226f, X226g, X226h
Curves that minimally cover X226 and have infinitely many rational points. X226a, X226b, X226c, X226d, X226e, X226f, X226g, X226h
Model P1,Q(X226)=Q(f226),f79=4f226+4f22262
Info about rational points None
Comments on finding rational points None
Elliptic curve whose 2-adic image is the subgroup y2=x355862675x+151569825750, with conductor 421600
Generic density of odd order reductions 9249/57344

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