- "Customized Interactive Learning:
Enhancing Face-to-Face Learning with Computers," Ursinus College
Faculty Conference, Collegeville, PA. August 24, 2000.
- "By 2020 What Will Change at Wake Forest
. . ." Seminars on Academic Computing, Snowmass, CO., August 5, 2000
- "What's Next?" American Association for
History and Computing, Winston-Salem, N.C. July 29, 2000.
- "Select Thoughts After Reading the CIRC Plan," Berea College,
Berea, KY, July 11, 2000. (PowerPoint)
- "The Future of Universities and the
University of the Future," IBM Higher Education Executive Forum, Palisades,
N.Y. July 10 and 24, 2000.
- "Enhancing An Existing Course," Appalachian
Consortium Workshop, Winston-Salem, N.C., June 24, 2000.
- "Ubiquitous Computing: Why and How,"
ICCEL Workshop, Winston-Salem, N.C. June 23, 2000.
- "The Wake Forest Plan and Its Results" ICCEL Workshop, Winston-Salem, N.C.
June 22, 2000. (ppt.)
- "Lessons Learned [by Wake Forest]," ICCEL
Workshop, Winston-Salem, N.C. June 22, 2000.
- "Enhancing Existing Courses: A Participatory
Workshop with Faculty Leaders," Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo,
MI. June 8, 2000.
- "Enhancing Face-to-Face Learning
with Computers," Western Michigan Unviersity, Kalamazoo, MI. June 8, 2000.
- "What Follows Thinkpads for All? Maintaining the Advantage!" IBM ThinkTank
2000, Montreal, CA. June 5, 2000. (PowerPoint)
- "Information Fluency: What? Why?
How?" IBM ThinkTank 2000, Montreal, CA. June 5, 2000 (PowerPoint)
- "The Future of Universities and
the University of the Future," in University Teaching and Learning
in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities edited by Sergio Piccinin
(Manitoba: University of Manitoba, 2000) pp. 57-64. Presentation originally
given at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada May 02, 2000.
- "Best Practices re the Use of Technology
in Teaching and Learning: The Wake Forest University Experience as Catalyst,"
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. April 27, 2000. (PowerPoint)
- "New Opportunities for Teaching and Learning in a Wired World, "
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N. C. April 25, 2000. (PowerPoint)
- "Policies That Have Made a Difference: The Wake
Forest Experience, " Second Annual Davis Symposium, Emerson College,
Boston, MA., April 7, 2000
- "The Wake Forest Plan and Its Results,"
Special presentation to Bowling Green State University, Wake Forest University,
Winston-Salem, N. C. April 3, 2000.
- "Summary Remarks," Second Annual
Conference on Assessment, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N. C. February
24, 2000.
- "The Wake Forest Plan and Its Results,"
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N. C. February 23, 2000.
- "Lessons Learned," Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem, N. C. February 23, 2000.
- "Universities of the Future: Implications from Technology," Presidential
Inaugural Scholar Lecturer, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. February
18, 2000. (PowerPoint)
- "Wake Forest University's Universal Computing Programs," American
Productivity & Quality Center and the American Association of Colleges
and School of Business (APQC), Houston, TX. February 3, 2000.
- "How to Affordably Implement the Imperative
for Computer Enhanced Learning and Avoid Dumbing Down the Curriculum,"
Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC. January
21, 2000.
- "Advancing the Revolution: Patterns and
Practices for Transformation," Annual Meeting of the National Learning
Infrastructure Initiative, New Orleans, LA. January 20, 2000.
- Redesigning Courses and Curricula in the Information Age," Appalachian
College Association, January 10, 2000.
- Information Literacy: What? Why? How?" American
Colleges of the South, Georgetown, TX. November 19, 1999.
- "Educational Theories and Teaching
Techniques," Wake Forest University, ICCEL's Advanced Workshop on
Teaching Tools, Winston-Salem, N. C., November 12, 1999.
- "Building the Case for--Ubiquity, Standardization,
Laptops, Brand Name," Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N. C.
November 11, 1999
- Ubiquitous or Universal Computing?" Presentation to Computer Advisory
Committee, Central Michigan University, November 8, 1999.
- "Wake Forest University's Universal Computing Programs," Presentation
for Site Visitors Consortium Benchmarking Study of Technology Mediated Learning
for American Productivity & Quality Control, November 1, 1999.
- "Ubiquitous or Universal Computing?" Presentation to French Ministry
of Education, Paris, France, October 27, 1999.
- "What About Ubiquitous Computing for Our Campus?" Camosun College,
Victoria, British Columbia, September 1, 1999.
- "What About Ubiquitous Computing for Our Campus? Are Computers Worth
the Money? How Can We Afford It," Royal Roads University, Victoria, British
Columbia, September 1, 1999.
- "What About Ubiquitous Computing for Our Campus? Are Computers Worth
the Money? How Can We Afford It," University of Victoria, Victoria, British
Columbia, August 31, 1999.
- "Interactive Learning: More Students are More Active Participants in
More Learner Groups," Presentation for Chief Academic Officers, University
of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, August 31, 1999.
- "Interactive Learning: More Students
are More Active Participants in More Learner Groups," Syllabus '99,
Santa Clara, CA., July 27, 1999.
- New Opportunities for Tomorrow's Colleges in a World
of E-Businesses," IBM's Briefing for Higher Education Executives,
Palisades, N. Y., July 26, 1999.
- "Applying the Lessons Learned from Teaching Undergraduates to Enriching
the Lives of All Wake Foresters," Wake Forest University Summer Alumni
Council, Sea Island, GA, July 16, 1999.
- "Redesigning Courses and Curricula in the Information Age," Keynote
Address, 1999 Distributed Learning Workshop, Concordia University, River Forest,
IL., July 12, 1999. (PowerPoint)
- "Faculty Development Strategies," World
Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication, Seattle,
Washington, June 24, 1999.
- "The Wake Forest Strategic Plan for Technology,"
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication,
Seattle, Washington, June 24, 1999.
- Metaphors That Help Explain Our New World,"
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication,
Seattle, Washington, June 23, 1999.
- "Redesigning Courses and Curricula in the Information Age," ICCEL
FacultyWorkshop, Winston-Salem, N. C., June 17, 1999.
- "Integrating Technology to Enhance Teaching," Northern Alberta
Institute of Technology (NAIT), Calgary, Canada, May 28, 1999. (PowerPoint)
- "Lessons Learned: Balancing the Costs
and Benefits of Technology," University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada,
May 26, 1999.
- "Ubiquitous Computing: Why and How,"
ICCEL Conference on Eight Models of Ubiquitous Computing, Winston-Salem, NC,
May 19, 1999.
- "Redesigning Courses and Curricula in the
Information Age," Keynote Address, Appalachian State University,
Boone, N.C., May 18, 1999.
- "New Opportunities when Computers are Ubiquitous:
Lessons from the Wake Forest Experience," Special Faculty Seminar
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., May 10, 1999.
- "When All Students Have Thinkpads: Lessons Learned,"
First Annual Conference of the Thinkpad Universities, Orlando, Florida, April
15, 1999.
- "Overcoming the IS Person Power Shortage
By Using the New Technologies in Old Ways," Faculty Retreat, Georgia Board
of Regents, Atlanta, April 14, 1999.
- "Communiction & Collaboration," Blackboard Summit, Washington,
DC, April 8, 1999. (PowerPoint)
- "Eighty-three Professors Assess the Impact of Technology
on Learning," First Annual Congress on Assessment, Winston-Salem, N.C.,
March 2, 1999.
- "Best
Practices in Faculty Development," (with Elson Floyd) Multiversity,
Winter, 1998-99.
- "Without Ubiquity Computers Have Little Impact
Upon Learning," Conference on Eight Models of Ubiquitous Computing, Winston-Salem,
N.C., February 17, 1999.
- "Where Computers Make a Difference in Learning,"
Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education, Washington, D.C., February
16, 1999.
- "Faculty Development: Theory and Practice,"
Conference on Eight Models of Ubiquitous Computing, Winston-Salem, N.C., February
16, 1999.
- "Thoughts Regarding the ASU Computing Initiative," A Special Presentation
at Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, February 8, 1999.
- "A Preview Overview of Our Book-- Interactive Learning: Vignettes from
America’s Most Wired Campuses," Authors’ Swap and Share Conference, Winston-Salem,
NC, January 9, 1999.
- "Thinking Through A Strategic Approach to Teaching," Authors’ Swap and
Share Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, January 9, 1999.
- "Thinking About Zimbabwe," Winston-Salem, N.C., December 11, 1998.
- "The Educational and Business Implications of Ubiquitous
Computing," A Special Presentation for the International Business School,
Toronto, Canada, December 8, 1998.
- "What are Your Teaching Objectives? For the Moment
Forget About Technology," Faculty Workshop, Clayton College and State
University, Atlanta, GA, November 3, 1998.
- "A Strategy for More Effective Teaching," ICCEL Faculty Workshop, Winston-Salem,
NC, October 25, 1998.
- "The International Center for Computer Enhanced Learning and Wake Forest
University," IBM Global Campus Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, October 6,
- "Faculty Development: Theory and Practice," IBM Global Campus Conference,
Stuttgart, Germany, October 6, 1998.
- "Lessons for Distance Learning from Wake Forest’s Ubiquitous Computing
Experience," ASU Conference on Distance Learning, Boone, NC, September 21,
- "Rediscovering Community: Universal Computing for Campuses and Congregations,"
North Carolina Baptist Council, Mars Hill, NC, September 18, 1998.
- "The Wake Forest Story," Special Presentations in South Korea (August 28,
1998), Japan (August 25, 1998), Singapore (August 20, 1998), Melbourne (August
18, 1998), and Sydney (August 17, 1998).
- "A Strategy for More Effective Teaching," Faculty Workshop at Concordia
University, River Forest, IL, August 13, 1998.
- "Teaching and Learning: Faculty Decisions," A Special Presentation for
Tufts University, Winston-Salem, NC, August 12, 1998.
- "Teaching and Learning," IBM Executive Briefing, Palisades, NY, August
10, 1998. (PowerPoint)
- "The Case for Collaborative Learning," Syllabus 98, Rohnert Park, CA, July
17, 1998.
- "Academic Concepts Behind The Wake Forest Technology," A Special Presentation
for the IBM Business Partners, Winston-Salem, NC, June 25, 1998.
- "Seven Principles of Good Teaching," A Special Presentation at Hofstra
University, Hempstead, NY, June 3, 1998.
- "How the Case Was Made at Wake Forest," IBM Executive Presentation, Winston-Salem,
NC, May 27, 1998.
- "The Wake Forest Approach to Ubiquitous Computing," Special Presentation
at Winona State University, Winona, MN, May 22, 1998.
- "Anticipating the Learning Technologies" Special Presentation at the University
of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, May 12, 1998.
- "Faculty Exposure and Use: Theory and Practice," A Special Presentation
for Case Western Reserve University, Winston-Salem, NC, May 4, 1998.
- "What Learning Difference Results from Ubiquitous Computing?" Computers
for All Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, April 20, 1998.
- "Why Books? Why Telephones? Why Computers?" Mid-South Instructional Technology
Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, April 6, 1998
- "The Wake Forest Approach to Ubiquitous Computing," Mid-South Instructional
Technology Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, April 6, 1998.
- "Teaching and Learning: An Interactive Consideration of How Technology
Can Enhance the Core Mission of Our Colleges," IBM Executive Briefing Center,
Palisades, NY, March 31, 1998.
- "Keeping Up with the Faculty Enthusiasm for Computers," NERCOMP Annual
Meeting, Old Sturbridge Village, MA, March 24, 1998.
- "Personalizing Colleges with Computers," Annual Meeting of the Southern
University Conference, Boca Raton, FL, March 21, 1998.
- "Computers and the Seven Principles of Good Teaching," A Special Presentation
at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, March 10, 1998.
- "My Educational Beliefs About Teaching and Learning," Faculty Workshop,
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, March 5, 1998.
- "Computers and the Seven Principles
of Good Teaching: Specific Examples from the Wake Forest Experience,"
A Special Presentation for Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, March
4, 1998.
- "Computers and Learning," A Special Presentation at Montreat College, Montreat,
NC March 4, 1998
- "The Wake Forest Story," A Special Presentation for Tufts University,"
IBM Executive Briefing Center, Palisades, NY, March 2, 1998.
- "Wake Forest University’s Strategic Plan for Technology," in Diana Oblinger
and Sean Rush (editors), The Future Compatible Campus (Anker Publishing
Co.: Bolton, MA, 1998), pp. 109-117.
- "Thinking Through a Strategic Technology Plan: The Wake Forest Story As
-Conference for 75 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C. February
18, 1999.
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, NC, October
27, 1998.
-Conference for 60 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, NC, June 10, 1998.
-Presentation for TLT-WFU Catalyst Institute, April 30, 1998.
-Conference for 75 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., January
28, 1998
-Workshop for American Council on Education Fellows, December 5, 1997
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., October
15, 1997
-Presentation for Elon College, Winston-Salem, N.C., August 11, 1997
-Presentation for Brigham Young University, Winston-Salem, N.C., August 5,
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., June
10, 1997
-Executive Information Technology Forum, Boston College, May 22, 1997
-IBM Conference on Ubiquitous Portable Computers, Costa Mesa, CA, April 22,
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., February,
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., October
24, 1996
-Conference for 40-50 Higher Education Leaders, Winston-Salem, N.C., May 30,
- "New Tools for Learning: The Wake Forest Story"
-Presentation for Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore, September 24, 1997
-Presentation for Tamagawa University, September 22, 1997
-Presentation for Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, September
2, 1997
-Presentation for ITESM, July 16, 1997