- [money_banks_crisis] Some new stats/spins on the financial crisis
- [money_banks_crisis] Some new stats/spins on thefinancial crisis
- [OPE] "financial globalization is the Achilles' Heel of the global capitalist system" : Interview with Samir Amin
- [OPE] "Karl Marx's guide to the end of capitalism: a primer " [Stuart Jeffries. The Guardian]
- [OPE] "The financial crisis" (from _real-world economics review_- # 47)
- [OPE] $596 trillion !!! ???
- [OPE] ' I have “robbed” 492,000 euros to whom most rob us in order to denounce them and build some alternatives for the society'
- [OPE] 'Life Despite Capitalism - Building Radical Economics' - seminar
- [OPE] (new book) Paul Feldman, _Unmasking the State_
- [OPE] (new online book) Felton and Reinhardt ed. _The First Financial Crisis of the 21st Century_
- [OPE] (video) China Faces Massive Layoffs
- [OPE] 4th Crisis Commentary: Capitalism 101
- [OPE] ['The Hankyoreh': Opinion Column] Third world financial order Dispatch from the International Political Economy Conference in Caracas
- [OPE] ['The Hankyoreh': Opinion Column] Third world financialorder Dispatch from the International Political Economy Conference inCaracas
- [OPE] ['The Hankyoreh': Opinion Column] Third worldfinancialorder Dispatch from the International PoliticalEconomy Conference inCaracas
- [OPE] Alain Badiou, "Of Which Real is this Crisis the Spectacle?"
- [OPE] Amiya Kumar Bagchi on the Crisis (interview)
- [OPE] Analysis of Human Rights Watch Report on Venezuela
- [OPE] Anitra Nelson, "Fictitious Capital and Real Compacts"
- [OPE] Another MarxMyth Exposed in the Bud: Marx on the financial crisis of 1857
- [OPE] are low wages the cause of the financial crisis? [An Interview with Emiliano Brancaccio]
- [OPE] Austrian economics question
- [OPE] Behavioural economics: a revolution in science?
- [OPE] Belgian workers protest over Fortis sell-off
- [OPE] Bit of humour from Holland
- [OPE] Bob Pollin on "ending casino capitalism"
- [OPE] Booklovers turn to Karl Marx as financial crisis bites in Germany
- [OPE] brief comment
- [OPE] Business Week, "The next meltdown: Credit cards?"
- [OPE] C&C's model and Behavioural economics (continuation).
- [OPE] Chernobyl
- [OPE] Congratulations
- [OPE] Consequences of the militarization of US diplomacy
- [OPE] Constant returns to scale
- [OPE] Constant returns to scale - IRS
- [OPE] Corporate state capitalism
- [OPE] credit swap default market in relation to world GDP
- [OPE] Crisis Commentary Overview
- [OPE] Crisis in the Credit System (film)
- [OPE] Cyrus B, "Oil, war, lies and bulls**t" (1/4)
- [OPE] Cyrus B, "Oil, war, lies and bulls**t" (2/4)
- [OPE] Cyrus B, "Oil, war, lies and bulls**t" (3/4)
- [OPE] Cyrus B, "Oil, war, lies and bulls**t" (4/4)
- [OPE] Dan La Botz, "Financial Crisis Hits Mexico Social Crisis on the Horizon"
- [OPE] De Spiegel interviews Noam Chomsky: "the United States has essentially a one-party system"
- [OPE] Double counting with derivatives
- [OPE] Economic outlook 2008/2009
- [OPE] Electricity problems
- [OPE] Electricity solutions: decommodify (by stealing)
- [OPE] English and spanish texts of press conference on the crisis in Caracas on Wednesday
- [OPE] English and spanish texts of press conference on the crisisin Caracas on Wednesday
- [OPE] Environment with derivatives
- [OPE] FedEE's critique of GDP
- [OPE] Finance as the Economic Equivalent of HIV
- [OPE] Finance Capital - J. B. Foster - Klassekampen
- [OPE] Finance Capital and the Crisis: Interview of John Bellamy Foster for Norwegian Daily, Klassekampen
- [OPE] Financial Crisis in Germany
- [OPE] Frei Betto, "I apologise"
- [OPE] Fudging Data to Prove Markets Are Fair
- [OPE] Good summary article by Mark Weisbrot
- [OPE] Hamas plays the racial card
- [OPE] Heinz Dieterich's General Program for Transition Towards XXI Century Socialism in Latin America
- [OPE] Heinz Dieterich's General Program for Transition Towards XXICentury Socialism in Latin America
- [OPE] Heinz Dieterich's General Program for Transition TowardsXXICentury Socialism in Latin America
- [OPE] ILO and the turn in the world situation
- [OPE] Inside OPE’s minds.
- [OPE] International Political Economy Conference: Responses from the South to the Global Economic Crisis: Final Declaration from the Caracas conference
- [OPE] Internationalism
- [OPE] Ironies and paradoxes galore
- [OPE] Is the problem of Israel/Palestine slipping in the ratings?
- [OPE] J.B. Foster, "Can the Financial Crisis Be Reversed?" (interview)
- [OPE] Jan Toporowski on Marxian theory of money
- [OPE] Jayati Ghosh, "Who pays the Price for Financial Bailouts?"
- [OPE] John Kay on surplus capital
- [OPE] Kurt Tucholsky NOT
- [OPE] Kurt Tucholsky, "Die Weltbuhne" (poem)
- [OPE] L. Randall Wray: Financial Instability
- [OPE] labour tokens under socialism
- [OPE] Leftwing headwinds in the commercial media?
- [OPE] Letter from Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis: "Notes on the Wall Street 'Meltdown'"
- [OPE] Long Waves, Institutional Changes, and Historical Trends: a Study of the long-term Movement of the Profit Rate in the Capitalist World-Economy
- [OPE] Look what has happened to Argentinian pension funds
- [OPE] Loren Goldner, "Great Game II: America Lashes Out on the Borders of China and Russia"
- [OPE] Mad Max Economy
- [OPE] Mark Weisbrot, Argentina The Crisis That Isn't
- [OPE] Martin Wolf goes Keynesian
- [OPE] Marxist Economics -- A handbook of basic definitions
- [OPE] mattick
- [OPE] Max Keiser on Global Rate Cuts (and other related matters)
- [OPE] member names
- [OPE] Michael H's _Critica de la Economia Politica_
- [OPE] Michael P's "How to think about the crisis"
- [OPE] More Bailout Obscenity
- [OPE] More banking problems looming... in the EU
- [OPE] More nonsense from the illiterate Dr Greenspan about Marx
- [OPE] Mr Sarkozy and crowd control
- [OPE] My third crisis commentary
- [OPE] OECD inequality report
- [OPE] On TSSI's critique of the Okishio theorem
- [OPE] Paper from yesterday's seminar
- [OPE] Patrick B on Global Financial Crisis (short press release)
- [OPE] Paul Krugman wins Nobel
- [OPE] Paul Kruman, "The Theory of Interstellar Trade"
- [OPE] Paul Mattick, "Up in Smoke"
- [OPE] Prof. Furedi mentions Marx
- [OPE] Prof. Rogoff on expansionary stance
- [OPE] R. Taggart Murphy, "Why Japan Clings to the Declining Dollar"
- [OPE] Radical Perspectives on the Crisis
- [OPE] Recent Interview on the Crisis
- [OPE] Reminder: CCS seminar on US financial melt - skypecast option (today, 12:30pm SA time)
- [OPE] Report documents loss of policy space
- [OPE] Required reserve ratio
- [OPE] Responding to the crisis
- [OPE] Rick Kuhn on the financial crisis: The Problem Is Capitalism, Not Just the Banks
- [OPE] Seminar on fin.crisis & South Africa - skypecast on Friday, 12:30 Durban time
- [OPE] Seminar on the 150th anniversary of Marx's Grundrisse
- [OPE] Shi Jianxun on dollar hegemony
- [OPE] Some new stats/spins on the financial crisis
- [OPE] Steve Keen, "The Failure of Central Banks"
- [OPE] Stigler interview, "The Philosophies of Deregulation and Neoliberalism are Dead in the West"
- [OPE] Stiglitz interview, The Philosophies of Deregulation and Neoliberalism are Dead in the West"
- [OPE] Strenghtening dollar?
- [OPE] Studs Terkel died, and lives on
- [OPE] The 2008 US Institutional Investment Report: Trends in Institutional Investor Assets and Equity Ownership of U.S. Corporations
- [OPE] The Crisis in India
- [OPE] The degenerate bourgeoisie (I): Mr Sarkozy's managerialism in France
- [OPE] The degenerate bourgeoisie (II): Tony Blair's last struggle against humanism and rationality
- [OPE] The Economic Crisis In India
- [OPE] The Economic Crisis: A Wal-Mart Economy Dimension
- [OPE] The environmentalist case for austerity - a view from Down Under
- [OPE] The EU liberals start to get the picture
- [OPE] The global financial crisis: implications for Asia
- [OPE] The ideological reception of market failure
- [OPE] The Latin American alternative: a new financial system
- [OPE] The myth of market confidence
- [OPE] The myth of the meltdown
- [OPE] The origins of militarism at the beginning of the capitalist era in Europe
- [OPE] The state of global capitalism
- [OPE] The ultimate Greenspan speech
- [OPE] The ultimate Greenspan speech II
- [OPE] U.S. Treasury Considers Buying Stakes in Banks
- [OPE] venus project
- [OPE] Video Lecture by Richard D. Wolff: When capitalism hits the fan
- [OPE] Video Lecture by Richard D. Wolff: When capitalism hits thefan
- [OPE] Walden Bello, "A Primer on Wall Street Meltdown"
- [OPE] Wallerstein, "The Depression: A Long-Term View"
- [OPE] Where _Monthly Review_ Stands on the Credit Crisis
- [OPE] Wildcat [82], "Beyond the Peasant International"
- [OPE] William K. Tabb, "The Financial Crisis of U.S. Capitalism"
- Austrian economics question
- Mike Davis on Military Keynesianism
- Rv: [OPE] C&C's model and Behavioural economics (continuation).
- SV: [OPE] constant returns to scale
- Last message date: Fri Oct 31 2008 - 23:39:18 EDT
- Archived on: Wed Dec 03 2008 - 15:12:04 EST